Recordings Now Available!
The Supporting Communities and Improving Systems conference was held March 11, 2022. The conference was offered free of charge courtesy of the conference sponsors, the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, Aging and Long-Term Support Administration and the TBI Council of Washington.
Supporting communities and improving systems is a way to support families that are significantly impacted after an individual experiences a brain injury. The focus of this conference was on creating systems to support individuals and families following brain injury.
March 11, 2022 10AM-3PM, PT
10:00amConference opens
10:05-10:15Opening Remarks
Jacqueine Cobbs, Community Living and Systems Support Office Chief -
10:15-11:00Equity and Justice for All, means ALL
Karen A. Johnson, PhD, Director, Washington State Office of Equity
Jacqueine Cobbs, Community Living and Systems Support Office Chief -
11:00-11:45Upstream Investments Towards Identifying Health Equity
Will Hitchcock, PhD, Health Services Consultant, Injury and Violence Prevention, Prevention and Community Health, Washington State Department of Health -
11:45-12:15Walk a Mile in My Shoes
Tamara Gaston, Aging & Long-Term Support Administration, Tribal Affairs -
12:30-1:00Disability Inclusion, Beyond ADA Requirements
Holly Delcambre, ADA Title II Compliance Program Manager, City of Seattle -
1:00-1:30Accountability to Communities
Montana Johnston, Organizational Leadership Development Manager Department of Social and Health Services - Aging & Long-Term Support Administration, Office of the Assistant Secretary -
1:30-2:00Inequities in Pediatric TBI
Molly Fuentes, MD, MS, Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Washington School of Medicine and Seattle Children’s Hospital -
2:00-2:30pmUniversal Access and Belonging
Carolyn Cole, Esq. – Assistant Director, Equity, Access & Belonging, Washington State Office of Equity -
2:30-2:55pmPanel Discussion: Addressing Barriers
Carolyn Cole, Tamara Gaston, Holly Delcambre, Molly Fuentes Moderator: Maralise Hood Quan -
2:55-3:00pmConference Closes