Webinar Recordings Now Available!
This conference was offered free of charge courtesy of the conference sponsors, the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, Aging and Long-Term Support Administration and the TBI Council of Washington.
The conference: was held September 17, 2021
Following brain injury, individuals often need a variety of rehabilitation and health care services including medical, visual, physical therapy, occupation therapy, speech therapy and others. To ensure the best result, clear communication between providers is essential. This conference provided participants with the opportunity to increase their understanding of the importance of an integrated approach for care coordination and methods for achieving this goal.
Click on the title links to access the recordings.
September 17, 2021
10:00amConference Opens
10:05-10:15amIntroductions and Opening Statements
Karen Kaizuka, MHA, WA ST TBI Council Chair, Parent of Child with a TBI,
Lived Experience in Medical -
10:15-10:30amStories of Lived Experiences with TBI and Coordinated Care
Jay Housgard
Laura Linda Negri-Pool
Amy Griffith -
10:30-11:00amAdvocating for Services: Private Insurance
Jane Beyer, JD -
11:00-11:30amAdvocating for Services: WA Health Care Authority
Teresa Claycamp, LMHC, Integrated Managed Care Program Manager
Jenna Strully, MD, Physical Health Medical Director, Molina Health Care
Sasha Waring, MD, Behavioral Health Medical Director, Molina Health
Care -
11:30-12:00pmWashington Programs for Long Term Care – Community Options Program
Entry System (COPES) & Aging and Long-Term Support Administration
Catherine Kinnaman, Deputy Director of Home and Community Services
(HCS) HQ Operations, ALTSA -
12:15-1:00pmCoordinated Care: School Age Youth
Sondra Marshall, PhD
Sue Hayes,
Vivianne Ugalde, MD
Melissa McCart, EdD
Ryann Watson Stites, PhD, ABPP/CN
Melaney Grenz, CCC-SLP
Kenji Carp, ATC