Webinar Recordings Now Available!
This conference was offered free of charge courtesy of the conference sponsors, the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, Aging and Long-Term Support Administration and the TBI Council of Washington.
The Conference: was held July 16, 2021
Staying up-to-date with changes to traumatic brain injury (TBI) policy and legislation is challenging. This conference offered the opportunity for participants to increase their awareness of national TBI policy, recent national legislation and national advocacy efforts. Participants also gained a better understanding of how government systems interconnect and the complex relationship between policy and health care systems.
Click on the title links to access the recordings.
July 16, 2021
10:00-10:05amWelcome and Introductions
10:05-10:25amPast and Current Initiatives for TBI in Washington State Bea Rector, MPA
11:00-11:45amThe Journey from Self-Advocacy to Public Policy Maralise Hood Quan, EJD
12:00-12:45pmLegislative Advocacy for and with Oregonians Living with Brain Injury
Melissa McCart, EdD and Dave Kracke, JD -
12:45-1:15pmOpportunity’s Knocking: Get Up and Open the Da*! Door
Anne McDonnell, MPA, OTR/L, CBIST -
1:15-2:00pmPanel Discussion
2:00-2:45pmNASHIA – Understanding Current Policy, Legislation, and Advocacy Movements
Rebeccah Wolfkiel, MPP -
2:45-3:00pmClosing Comments