During this 5-year project, the University of Oregon and the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and Medical Center, in partnership with University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDDs) in Oregon and Ohio and other key stakeholders will develop and evaluate an intervention to reduce challenging behavior in young children with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
The objectives are: 1) to use input from stakeholders using a Community-Engaged Research framework to develop the Tiered Online Training and Support (TOTS) intervention, a web-based, three-tier model of parent training and support to manage behavioral challenges in home and community settings, 2) to test the efficacy of TOTS using a randomized controlled trial in collaboration with our UCEDD partners, and 3) to disseminate the intervention for broad implementation in UCEDD and community settings.
Anticipated outcomes include: 1) improvement of child behavioral health and function in terms of reduction of maladaptive behavior and improvements in adaptive behavior, 2) improvement of parenting skills, self-efficacy, problem-solving, and child behavior management, and 3) an online intervention packages that provides families with access to intervention components tailored to their child and family needs. The expected products are a fully developed, accessible and effective online intervention package for use in community settings, technical assistance and trainings for UCEDD and community providers, and consumer supports for family members.
Funded by: National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR)
Project Director: Laura Lee McIntyre, PhD