

Max and Jenna's Laws outline specific responsibilities for school administrators. Below you can find out more about your responsibilities and how to fulfill them.

Under Max’s Law you must:

  • Develop a list of coaches.

  • Identify resources the district will use to provide training for all athletic coaches.

  • Develop training timelines for coaches of all athletic teams.

  • Ensure coaches receive training every 12 months.

  • Develop a tracking system to document that all coaches meet the training requirements.

  • Ensure that no coach allows a member of a school athletic team to participate in any athletic event or training on the same calendar day the team member exhibits signs, symptoms, or behaviors consistent with a concussion following an observed or suspected blow to the head or body or has been diagnosed with a concussion.

  • Ensure that no coach allows a student (after being removed from play) to return to an athletic event or training sooner than the day after the student experienced a blow to the head or body AND the student no longer exhibits signs, symptoms, or behaviors consistent with a concussion AND the student receives a medical release from a healthcare professional.

Additional Practices

In addition to the legal requirements above, current best practice recommendations include developing a school-wide concussion management plan to ensure that concussed students receive appropriate academic accommodations as they recover from their injuries.


Coach Training Sites
